Information for those interested

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Why Study Statistics?

Statistics is an ideal field of study as a combination with any other area where required for research, data analysis, and conclusions. Statistics and ability for independent analysis of data is an essential resource for any professional career in competitive fields. Statistics voters as an occupation guaranteed a varied career that would reflect the enormous diversity of areas in need of tools that science statistics suggest. Voters in other businesses, any other activity, good training in statistics and data analysis will be used as double power and facilitate success in the field they choose to engage. read more...

About the Department of Statistics

Department of Statistics's team includes researchers specializing in the theory and practice of data analysis. Alongside the discussion of these researchers are engaged in research under the guidance of graduate students study at various stages, teaching courses in statistics class students and students outside the class. Statistics graduate students are senior partners in teaching various courses. read more...


Consultants curricula

List of advisers academic tracks in the department

Register for Studies in the Department

For information, registration and admission information on the site of use of the Hebrew University

Information for department faculty candidates